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.refer to the complete operating systemSee also Consultative Committee for Inter-package, including utilities, editors andnational Telephony and Telegraphy.compilers, games, and networking compo-nents.Many of these important elementslink rot A slang expression used to de-are actually part of the Free Software Foun-scribe an out-of-date URL on a Web page.dation s GNU Project, and others have beenLink rot occurs when the page indicated bywritten and released by volunteers.the link is moved or erased.Linux is supported and distributed by com-See also link; Uniform Resource Locator.panies such as Red Hat Software, CalderaSoftware, Workgroup Solutions, Walnutlink-state routing algorithm A rout-Creek Software, and S.u.S.E.of Germany.ing algorithm in which each router broad-casts information about the state of theWith the increasing use of Linux in the cor-links to all other nodes on the internetwork.porate world, several major companiesThis algorithm reduces routing loops buthave announced some level of support forhas greater memory requirements than thethe operating system, including Hewlett-distance vector algorithm.Packard, Silicon Graphics, Sun Microsys-See also distance vector algorithm; Open tems, and Intel, and several major applica-Shortest Path First.tions packages have been ported to Linux,217Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com2461book Page 218 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMLIPincluding Oracle s Oracle8, Adaptive Serv- obscure types of bagpipes, rather than toer Enterprise from Sybase, and IBM s DB2.general interest communications.See also LISTSERV; mailing list; news-See also Free Software Foundation; opengroup; Usenet.source software.little endian A computer architecture inLIP See Large Internet Packet.which the least significant byte has the low-liquid-crystal display Abbreviatedest address and so is stored little end first.LCD.A display technology common in por-Many processors, including those from In-table computers that uses electric current totel, the PDP-11, and the VAX family ofalign crystals in a special liquid.computers, are all little endian.The termThe rod-shaped crystals are containedcomes from Swift s Gulliver s Travels, inbetween two parallel, transparent elec-which wars were fought over whethertrodes.When current is applied, the elec-boiled eggs should be opened at the big endtrodes change their orientation, creating aor the little end.dark area.Many LCD screens are alsoSee also big endian; holy wars.backlit or sidelit to increase visibility andreduce eyestrain.liveware A slang term for the people whouse computers, as distinct from hardware,LISTSERV A mailing list product avail-firmware, or software.able from L-Soft International, Inc.LIST-SERV runs on Unix, Microsoft Windows,LLC See logical link control.and several other operating systems.loadable module In Novell NetWare, aSee also listserver; mailing list.program that can be loaded and unloadedfrom the server or workstation while thelistserver An automatic mailing systemoperating system is running.available on the Internet.Two common types of loadable modulesRather than sending e-mail on a particularare NetWare Loadable Modules (NLMs),topic to a long list of people, you send it towhich are run on the server, and Virtuala special e-mail address, where a programLoadable Modules (VLMs), which run on aautomatically distributes the e-mail to allworkstation.the people who subscribe to the mailing list.See also NetWare Loadable Module; Virtu-Several programs have been written to au-al Loadable Module.tomate a mailing list; the most common iscalled LISTSERV, but you may also en-load average One measure of how muchcounter mailserv, majordomo, or almanac.work the CPU is doing; defined as theMailing lists are usually devoted to a specific average number of jobs in the run queuesubject, such as training dogs or playing plus the number of jobs that are blocked218Copyright © 2000 SYBEX Inc., Alameda, CA.www.sybex.com2461book Page 219 Thursday, May 4, 2000 11:59 AMLocal Procedure Callwhile waiting for a disk access.This mea- or MCA (Microchannel Architecture)-surement is usually taken at 1-, 5-, and 15- based computer into a local-bus system.minute intervals during a 24-hour period tolocal disk In networking, a disk drive ongive useful information.your workstation or PC, rather than a driveSee also uptime.available to you over the network.See also network drive.load balancing A technique that dis-tributes network traffic along parallellocal drive See local disk.paths to make the most efficient use of theavailable bandwidth while also providingLocal Exchange Carrier Abbreviatedredundancy.Load balancing will automat-LEC.A term coined from the Telecommu-ically move a user s job from a heavilynications Act of 1996 to describe the localloaded network resource to a less-loadedtelephone company that provides localresource.transmission and switching services.See also clustering.See also Competitive Local Exchange Car-rier; Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier.load sharing The ability of two or moreremote bridges to share their load in a par-local group In Microsoft Windows NTallel configuration.If a bridge fails, traffic isServer, a group granted rights and permis-routed to the next parallel bridge.sions to only the resources on the servers ofits own domain.local-area network Abbreviated LAN.A group of computers and associated pe- See also global group.ripheral devices connected by a communi-local loop That part of a communica-cations channel, capable of sharing files andtions circuit that connects subscriber equip-other resources among several users.ment to equipment in a local telephoneSee also file server; metropolitan-area net-exchange [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]