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.See Characters Who Is Chris Rock?, 22Roll With the New, 34, 40 Williams, Tyler James, 75, 76 77, 79Rufus, 42 43 Winfrey, Oprah, 80Safe Horizon, 58, 59 Yuck Mouth, 31 3296Picture Creditspage:3: Associated Press, AP 45: Getty Images6: LC-U9-2906-15, 50: Gramercy Pictures/PhotofestLibrary of Congress 52: Getty Images16: Time Life Pictures/ 57: Associated Press, APGetty Images 61: DreamWorks/Photofest18: Time Life Pictures/ 65: Associated Press, APGetty Images 68: Associated Press, AP23: Associated Press, AP 71: Paramount Pictures/24: Warner Bros./PhotofestPhotofest26: Associated Press, AP 73: Associated Press, AP29: Universal/Photofest 79: Associated Press, AP35: Getty Images 82: Associated Press, AP39: Getty Images 85: Associated Press, APCover: Getty Images97About the AuthorAnne M.Todd lives in Prior Lake, Minnesota, with her husband, Sean,and three sons, Spencer, William, and Henry.She received a Bachelorof Arts degree in English and American Indian Studies from the Uni-versity of Minnesota.She has written more than a dozen nonfictionchildren s books, including biographies on world political leaders andAmerican Indians, as well as several accounts of American history. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]