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.CFG, 327, 483-484 function, 74HELLO.CFG, 35 CreateHatchBrush GDI function, 72SPUZZLE.CFG, 210-211 CreatePalette GDI function, 85container classes CreatePatternBrush GDI function,ADT (Abstract Data Type), 48-49 72CLASSLIB class library, 41-43 CreatePolygonRgn GDI function, 74template-based, 46-49 CreatePolyPolygonRgn GDIFDS (Fundamental Data function, 74Structure), 47-48500IndexCreateRectRgn GDI function, 74 deletingCreateRectRgnIndirect GDI bitmaps, 88function, 74 graphics objects, 64CreateRoundRectRgn GDI function, Deque container class, 4274 deques (double-ended queues),CreateSolidBrush GDI function, 72 48-49cross product of two vectors, 283 detect function, 469CUBE.SHP file, 312 device context, see DCdialog boxes, 50-52dialog classes, 50-52DDIB (Device-Independent Bitmap)format, 86, 92-93data structuresconverting to DDB format,FDS (Fundamental Data106-107Structure), 46-48DIBtoDDB function, 105SPUZZLE game, 265-266Dictionary container class, 42Date simple class, 43disp_mission function, 371DC (device context), 59-65display adapters, see videocontents, 59-61adaptersdevice capabilities, 64-65displayingfor graphics output, 63-64bitmaps, 87-88getting, 61-62images, 105graphics objects, 63-64messages, 30-35persistent, 62-63SPUZZLE puzzle information,reverting, 63213-214storing temporarily, 62text, 77-80DDB (Device-Dependent Bitmap)see also viewingformat, 86-92dispwin.cpp source file, 360BITMAP structure, 92dispwin.h header file, 355-359converting from DIB format,dithering, 72106-107DLLs (dynamic link libraries),displaying bitmaps, 87-88MMSYSTEM, 191drawing on bitmaps, 89-90dot product of two vectors, 283ROP (raster operation) codes,DoubleList container class, 4290-91draw_shape function, 381stretching bitmaps, 89draw_wpncover function, 371default values, device context,drawing59-61closed figures, 70-72DeleteObject GDI function, 64drawing mode, 76-77501Programming Windows Games with Borland C++ellipses, 71 headerlines, 69-70 animres.h, 180on bitmaps, 89-90 animwin.h, 179-180points, 69 bframe.h, 333-337polygons, 71 blkdres.h, 483rectangles, 70 BLOCKADE game, 328-329regions, 74-75 bmpimage.h, 113-114drawing modes, 76-77 dispwin.h, 355-359DrawText GDI function, 78 hellomdl.h, 29-30drivers, sound, 190-192 hellores.h, 35, 38hellovw.h, 31-35hscdial.h, 267-269Eimage.h, 102-105imvwres.h, 141-145educational games, 5imvwwin.h, 139-140SPUZZLE, see SPUZZLEinfowin.h, 412-413Ellipse GDI function, 71linking, 35-39ellipses, drawing, 71logowin.h, 354EndPaint GDI function, 62ltrwin.h, 245-246engage function, 476pcximage.h, 126-127EqualRect GDI function, 73platform.h, 451-455EqualRgn GDI function, 75pzlframe.h, 216-218Error simple class, 43pzlinfo.h, 266pzlwin.h, 232-233Fscenario.h, 427-429scene3d.h, 302-304Facet3D class, 287-301scninfo.h, 429-431FDS (Fundamental Data Structure),sensor.h, 467-46946-48shape3d.h, 287-293figures, closed, drawing, 70-72simdefs.h, 431-433filessounds.h, 193-194CARGO.MSN, 485-487spanim.h, 162-164CLOSE.SPM, 210sprite.h, 153-157configurationspzlres.h, 271BLOCKADE.CFG, 327, 483-484statwin.h, 259-260, 402-404HELLO.CFG, 35tgaimage.h, 121SPUZZLE.CFG, 210-211toolwin.h, 253-254, 386-388CUBE.SHP, 312weapon.h, 473-475502Indexhello.dlg, 36-39 playsnd.cpp, 198-201HELLO.DEF, 35-37 plrtool.cpp, 396-398HELLO.EXE, 36-37 polarwin.cpp, 371-381HELLO.ICO, 36 pzlframe.cpp, 220-231image pzlwin.cpp, 235-244C++ classes, 100-135 scenario.cpp, 436-446characteristics, 97-99 scene3d.cpp, 305-311formats, 96-100 sensor.cpp, 469-472OPEN.SPM, 210 shape3d.cpp, 293-301PG.BSN, 484 sounds.cpp, 195-197PLATFORM.DAT, 321, 327, 456, spranim.cpp, 168-177487-490 sprite.cpp, 158-161PZLDONE.SPM, 209-210 spuzzle.cpp, 215-216PZLSTRT.SPM, 210 statwin.cpp, 261-265, 404-411resource tgaimage.cpp, 122-124ANIMATE.RES, 187 toolwin.cpp, 255-259, 389-391hello.rc, 35-38 vu3dtool.cpp, 399-402IMAGEVW.RES, 146 vu3dwin.cpp, 381-385SAMPLE.S3D, 313 weapon.cpp, 476-482SENSOR.DAT, 321, 327, 490-491 spzlhlp.hpj, 272source TICK.SPM, 210animate.cpp, 186-187 TOCK.SPM, 210animwin.cpp, 182-185 WEAPON.DAT, 321, 327, 491-492bframe.cpp, 338-353 FillRect GDI function, 73BLOCKADE game, 330-331 FillRgn GDI function, 75blockade.cpp, 331-333 find_extents function, 293dispwin.cpp, 360 Font graphics object, 63hello.cpp, 27-29 fonts, 79-81hellovw.cpp, 32-35 formats, image file, 96-100hscdial.cpp, 269-270 BMP, 99, 113-119image.cpp, 107-112 GIF, 100imagevw.cpp, 137-138 PCX, 99, 125-135imvwwin.cpp, 141-145 Targa, 99, 119-124ltrwin.cpp, 247-252 TIFF, 99maptool.cpp, 392-395 frame animation, 150mbpimage.cpp, 115-118 FrameRect GDI function, 73pcximage.cpp, 130-135 FrameRgn GDI function, 75platform [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]