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.Any place where there is confusion or resistance (and theresistance need not be directed at you - as you stretch her concept of deservedness the old beliefsand behaviors may push back at you) simply ask her Since we are in a place where anythingis possible, what would have to be true in order for this to become real now?"As the new states and traits become real within her mind, ask broader.question whichwill lead her to create an acceptable context for her new behaviors and beliefs.And as shebecomes comfortable with the new elements of her life, explicitly ask permission then guide herin gently sliding these new things out of that imaginary place, and store them permanently andpowerfully deep in the heart of who she is.Anchor, reinforce, anchor again, link and bind, test.VI.Create A Powerful Propulsion SystemSince you can't, and won't, be with her constantly you need a system that will firmly andinexorably keep her on The True Path.But we need to build a propulsion system that workspowerfully for her as well.I am constantly amazed by the sheer number of guys who think that they want asubmissive love-slave.Having built a few myself in the past, I can tell you it's not worth it.It'stoo much work! Yes, you can teach someone to slurp and romp on command, anytime andanywhere.But can you now imagine what a drag it is to always have to make the decisions?What a pain it is to always be the one coming up with ideas?Let's do something else.Let's do something that captures and makes permanent all thechanges you desire, retains and cherishes all her talents and desirable traits, and encourages her tomake the most of her life while putting you right in the center of it all!The first step built a nuclear-powered sense of connection, fueled by ecstatic pleasuresand positive emotions.Hhmm? Can we do something with this?It's time to put it all in perspective.Evoke states of massive pleasure and deepsatisfaction, and repeatedly future-pace them, teaching her how the combined effects of her newunderstandings and the freedom to become all she can be, WITH YOU, can attach themselves toall areas of her life.Show her how, as she holds tightly to that connection with you and to all thatshe now shares with you, her life can become the living proof of all that her fantasy andimagination can dream.Zoom her forward, amp it up, bring the good feelings back and anchor it.Have her re-set her self-image to include these fantastic new pleasures.And then do it again.Hell, do it over and over and over.Go back in the past and for every time she felt lost, alone, confused, frustrated, etc.haveher view the experience as it was and then re-experience it with the knowledge and awareness ofhow much better it can be with you.Again, zoom back and forth until you have replaced all theBad Stuff with Good Stuff.Anchor, bind, make permanent etc.Here's the heart of the propulsion mechanism.Associate moving ahead with attaining thewonderful benefits of what she has learned and now shares with you.Now, have her rememberexactly what it was like before she met you, before she really understood what was possiblebetween a man and a woman.And now suggest that EACH AND EVERY TIME SHE KNOWS SHE IS MOVINGTOWARDS THAT WONDERFUL SHARED FUTURE, SHE CAN FEEL ALL THEAWESOME PLEASURES THAT SHE NOW KNOWS SHE CAN HAVE, AND THATSHE DESERVES.AND THAT EACH AND EVERY TIME SHE KNOWS THAT SHE ISDOING SOMETHING OUTSIDE THAT REALM OF CONNECTION AND SHAREDEXPERIENCE, SHE FEELS THE PLEASURES AND CONNECTION SLIPPINGFARTHER AND FARTHER AWAY.And isn't that loss too great to bear?Bonus tip: Since you have taught her what trance feels like, how difficult would it be tohave her protective mind watch for trance states, and to make sure that only you can inducetrance that leads to change? Just a thought, mind you.So there you have it.As promised, simple, powerful and effective.Go ye forth, andBUILD A BETTER GIRLFRIEND! [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]