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.The inner labia are certainly more lip-like incolor, texture, and shape than the outer set, and likeevery other body part, they rejoice in variation.Theinner labia come in more shades than Clinique's springlipstick line; pale peach, mauve, shades of pink, bur-gundy, or dark chocolate.The color may deepen afterchildbirth.They can be trim and narrow, curled inward,fluted, or flared, or they may protrude past the pubichair.Textures range from smooth to glassy, translucent todeeply crinkled.And though they come in pairs, no twoare exactly alike; it is quite common for the lips on onewoman to look different from each other.The inner lipsare richly endowed with nerve endings, and the clitoralhood is analogous to the foreskin of the penis.Somewomen report enjoying stimulation of the inner lipsmore than clitoral stimulation.I have one inner lip that's much bigger than theother, and I used to be really upset and embar-ANATOMY FOR PLEASURE " 35rassed about it.But none of my lovers seem tonotice or care, and since they don't, neither do Ianymore.These kissable inner lips meet in two corners, justlike the ones we usually think about kissing.The outerIllustration 4.Internal Anatomy (Front View)36 " THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CUNNILINGUSedges of each inner lip meet toward the anus at the per-ineum (the wall separating the vaginal canal and anus),and also toward the pubic bone, where they form a pro-tective covering over the sensitive clitoris.The ClitorisIt stands to reason that a good amount of any oral effortis going to be focused on the clitoris, or very near it.Why? Because it's richly endowed with nerve endingsthat, when stimulated, send trumpeting messages ofpleasure to the brain according to Rebecca Chalker'sThe Clitoral Truth, eight thousand nerve endings, to beprecise.It contains more nerve endings than any otherpart of the human body, male or female, more than thefingertips, tongue, anus and, alas, twice as many as theentire penis.Interestingly, this intense little mistress has only onejob, one function in a body full of organs that perform upto five hundred different tasks a day: to provide pleasure.No river runs through it; the clitoris traffics neither urinenor sperm.Its impracticality is ludicrous, laughable, lus-cious.For most women, stimulation of the clitoris isessential to orgasm.The clitoris is often referred to as the"powerhouse of orgasm," and though it delivers pleasurepure of purpose, touching it directly is almost painful.Luckily, the clitoris is shrouded by the clitoral hood, a lit-tle nub analogous to the foreskin on a man.It both pro-tects the clitoris and diffuses the sensations of touching it;even so, some women find that having their clitoral hoodtouched is too intense and prefer indirect clitoral stimu-lation, or stimulation by way of the vulva.The top corner of the inner lips (which meet in thedirection of our art model's mons) comes to an "A"ANATOMY FOR PLEASURE " 37shape underneath a skintight jacket of flesh covering theprotruding tip of the clitoris, or glans.Though this wordsounds like gland, the slightly bulbous, spade-shapedhead of the clitoral shaft isn't a gland at all.Glans means"a small, round mass or body" and "tissue that can swellor harden," and both definitions are accurate, as weshall soon see.The shaft of the clitoris is the portion that runs fromthe bottom of the inner labia's A-frame housing to thetip of the glans (the bottom edges of the A being thelower boundary of the visible portion of the clitoris).Theentire covering, the clitoris's whole house, is called thehood.This protective covering encompasses the shaft inits A shape, and hoods can range in appearance fromfleshy and full to barely there.Sometimes all it takes toexpose the tip is pulling back the hood; or it may notbecome visible until she's aroused.The glans is nestledin the hood and comes in a medley of sizes, from thesize of a pen tip to larger than a fingertip.Revisiting thelocker room, sensitivity has nothing to do with size, andyou won't find women at the gym with towels drapedover shoulders comparing sizes.My girlfriend's clit is the biggest I've ever seen.She's self-conscious about it, but I love it.Beneath the SurfaceThe area of the clitoris is far larger than described inconventional anatomy texts and most sex guides.Theexternal tip, or glans, is really the tip of the iceberg andif you know icebergs, they're like upside-down pyra-mids, and underestimating one can sink your ship.Theglans begins at one end of the shaft and continues under38 " THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CUNNILINGUSthe surface to where the other end connects to the sus-pensory ligament at the pubic mound.The shaft, likethe glans, is very sensitive and responds pleasurably tostimulation.At the shaft's connection to the suspensoryligament, the clitoris spans out underneath the vulvaalongside the vaginal opening in a wishbone shape,Illustration 5.Internal Anatomy (Side View)ANATOMY FOR PLEASURE " 39forming two legs, or crura, whose underground realestate extends all the way to the back forty of the per-ineum.It seems that our gal clitoris quietly became areal estate tycoon albeit one drunk on pleasure.The area occupied by the clitoris and crura is actu-ally a complex clitoral system.The connecting nerves,tissues, muscles, and ligaments all react and engage withone another when lust comes a-callin'.The clitoris, thearea underneath the inner and outer lips, the ringaround the urethra (where urine leaves the body), andthe wall of the perineum all contain erectile tissues thatfill with blood and swell upon arousal sometimesnoticeably, sometimes not.Several layers of muscles linethe pelvic floor, connecting the clitoris to the erectile tis-sues [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]