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.MISTRESS FORD'Tis not so, I hope.MISTRESS PAGEPray heaven it be not so, that you have such a manhere! but 'tis most certain your husband's coming,with half Windsor at his heels, to search for such aone.I come before to tell you.If you knowyourself clear, why, I am glad of it; but if youhave a friend here convey, convey him out.Be notamazed; call all your senses to you; defend yourreputation, or bid farewell to your good life for ever.MISTRESS FORDWhat shall I do? There is a gentleman my dearfriend; and I fear not mine own shame so much as hisperil: I had rather than a thousand pound he wereout of the house.MISTRESS PAGEFor shame! never stand 'you had rather' and 'youhad rather:' your husband's here at hand, bethinkyou of some conveyance: in the house you cannothide him.O, how have you deceived me! Look, hereis a basket: if he be of any reasonable stature, hemay creep in here; and throw foul linen upon him, asif it were going to bucking: or -- it is whiting-time-- send him by your two men to Datchet-mead.MISTRESS FORDHe's too big to go in there.What shall I do?FALSTAFF[Coming forward]Let me see't, let me see't, O, letme see't! I'll in, I'll in.Follow your friend'scounsel.I'll in.MISTRESS PAGEWhat, Sir John Falstaff! Are these your letters, knight?FALSTAFFI love thee.Help me away.Let me creep in here.I'll never --[Gets into the basket; they cover him with foul linen]MISTRESS PAGEHelp to cover your master, boy.Call your men,Mistress Ford.You dissembling knight!MISTRESS FORDWhat, John! Robert! John![Exit ROBIN][Re-enter Servants]Go take up these clothes here quickly.Where's thecowl-staff? look, how you drumble! Carry them tothe laundress in Datchet-meat; quickly, come.[Enter FORD, PAGE, DOCTOR CAIUS, and SIR HUGH EVANS]FORDPray you, come near: if I suspect without cause,why then make sport at me; then let me be your jest;I deserve it.How now! whither bear you this?ServantTo the laundress, forsooth.MISTRESS FORDWhy, what have you to do whither they bear it? Youwere best meddle with buck-washing.FORDBuck! I would I could wash myself of the buck!Buck, buck, buck! Ay, buck; I warrant you, buck;and of the season too, it shall appear.[Exeunt Servants with the basket]Gentlemen, I have dreamed to-night; I'll tell you mydream.Here, here, here be my keys: ascend mychambers; search, seek, find out: I'll warrantwe'll unkennel the fox.Let me stop this way first.[Locking the door]So, now uncape.PAGEGood Master Ford, be contented: you wrong yourself too much.FORDTrue, Master Page.Up, gentlemen: you shall seesport anon: follow me, gentlemen.[Exit]SIR HUGH EVANSThis is fery fantastical humours and jealousies.DOCTOR CAIUSBy gar, 'tis no the fashion of France; it is notjealous in France.PAGENay, follow him, gentlemen; see the issue of his search.[Exeunt PAGE, DOCTOR CAIUS, and SIR HUGH EVANS]MISTRESS PAGEIs there not a double excellency in this?MISTRESS FORDI know not which pleases me better, that my husbandis deceived, or Sir John.MISTRESS PAGEWhat a taking was he in when your husband asked whowas in the basket!MISTRESS FORDI am half afraid he will have need of washing; sothrowing him into the water will do him a benefit.MISTRESS PAGEHang him, dishonest rascal! I would all of the samestrain were in the same distress.MISTRESS FORDI think my husband hath some special suspicion ofFalstaff's being here; for I never saw him so grossin his jealousy till now.MISTRESS PAGEI will lay a plot to try that; and we will yet havemore tricks with Falstaff: his dissolute disease willscarce obey this medicine.MISTRESS FORDShall we send that foolish carrion, MistressQuickly, to him, and excuse his throwing into thewater; and give him another hope, to betray him toanother punishment?MISTRESS PAGEWe will do it: let him be sent for to-morrow,eight o'clock, to have amends.[Re-enter FORD, PAGE, DOCTOR CAIUS, and SIR HUGH EVANS]FORDI cannot find him: may be the knave bragged of thathe could not compass.MISTRESS PAGE[Aside to MISTRESS FORD]Heard you that?MISTRESS FORDYou use me well, Master Ford, do you?FORDAy, I do so.MISTRESS FORDHeaven make you better than your thoughts!FORDAmen!MISTRESS PAGEYou do yourself mighty wrong, Master Ford.FORDAy, ay; I must bear it.SIR HUGH EVANSIf there be any pody in the house, and in thechambers, and in the coffers, and in the presses,heaven forgive my sins at the day of judgment!DOCTOR CAIUSBy gar, nor I too: there is no bodies.PAGEFie, fie, Master Ford! are you not ashamed? Whatspirit, what devil suggests this imagination? Iwould not ha' your distemper in this kind for thewealth of Windsor Castle.FORD'Tis my fault, Master Page: I suffer for it.SIR HUGH EVANSYou suffer for a pad conscience: your wife is ashonest a 'omans as I will desires among fivethousand, and five hundred too.DOCTOR CAIUSBy gar, I see 'tis an honest woman.FORDWell, I promised you a dinner.Come, come, walk inthe Park: I pray you, pardon me; I will hereaftermake known to you why I have done this.Come,wife; come, Mistress Page.I pray you, pardon me;pray heartily, pardon me.PAGELet's go in, gentlemen; but, trust me, we'll mockhim.I do invite you to-morrow morning to my houseto breakfast: after, we'll a-birding together; Ihave a fine hawk for the bush.Shall it be so?FORDAny thing.SIR HUGH EVANSIf there is one, I shall make two in the company.DOCTOR CAIUSIf dere be one or two, I shall make-a the turd.FORDPray you, go, Master Page.SIR HUGH EVANSI pray you now, remembrance tomorrow on the lousyknave, mine host.DOCTOR CAIUSDat is good; by gar, with all my heart!SIR HUGH EVANSA lousy knave, to have his gibes and his mockeries![Exeunt]--------------------------------------"scene" 4Scene 4[A room in PAGE'S house.][Enter FENTON and ANNE PAGE]FENTONI see I cannot get thy father's love;Therefore no more turn me to him, sweet Nan.ANNE PAGEAlas, how then?FENTONWhy, thou must be thyself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]