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.Use of this parameter is not recommended.It is provided only forcompatibility with previous versions.Eventually, it will no longer besupported.If you are using an Oracle7 or Oracle8 Export file, the character set is specifiedwithin the export file, and conversion to the current database s character set isautomatic.Specification of this parameter serves only as a check to ensurethat the export file s character set matches the expected value.If not, an errorresults.COMMITDefault: NSpecifies whether or not Import should commit after each array insert.Bydefault, Import commits after loading each table, and Import performs arollback when an error occurs, before continuing with the next object.Import 2-17If a table has nested table columns or attributes, the contents of the nestedtables are imported as separate tables.Therefore, the contents of the nestedtables are always committed in a transaction distinct from the transactionused to commit the outer table.If COMMIT=N and a table is partitioned, each partition in the Export file isimported in a separate transaction.Specifying COMMIT=Y prevents rollback segments from growinginordinately large and improves the performance of large imports.SpecifyingCOMMIT=Y is advisable if the table has a uniqueness constraint.If the importis restarted, any rows that have already been imported are rejected with anon-fatal error.Note that, if a table does not have a uniqueness constraint,and you specify COMMIT=Y, Import could produce duplicate rows whenyou re-import the data.For tables containing LONG, LOB, BFILE, REF, ROWID or type columns,array inserts are not done.If COMMIT=Y, Import commits these tables aftereach row.DESTROYDefault: NSpecifies whether or not the existing data files making up the database shouldbe reused.That is, the DESTROY parameter specifies that Import shouldinclude the reuse option in the datafile clause of the CREATE TABLESPACEcommand.The export file contains the datafile names used in each tablespace.If youattempt to create a second database on the same machine (for testing or otherpurposes), the Import utility overwrites the original database s data fileswhen it creates the tablespace.This is undesirable.With this parameter set toN (the default), an error occurs if the data files already exist when thetablespace is created.To eliminate this error when you import into a secondary database, pre-createthe tablespace and specify its data files.(Specifying IGNORE=Y suppressesthe object creation error that the tablespace already exists.)To bypass the error when you import into the original database, specifyIGNORE=Y to add to the existing data files without replacing them.To reusethe original database s data files after eliminating their contents, specifyDESTROY=Y.2-18 Oracle8 Server UtilitiesNote: If you have pre-created your tablespace, you must specifyDESTROY=N or your pre-created tablespace will be lost.Warning: If datafiles are stored on a raw device, DESTROY=N does not preventfiles from being overwritten.FEEDBACKDefault: 0 (zero)Specifies that Import should display a progress meter in the form of a dot forn number of rows imported.For example, if you specify FEEDBACK=10,Import displays a dot each time 10 rows have been imported.TheFEEDBACK value applies to all tables being imported; it cannot be set on aper-table basis.FILEDefault: expdat.dmpThe name of the export file to import.You do not have to be the Oracle userwho exported the file.However, you do need to have current access to the file.The default extension is.dmp, but you can specify any extension.FROMUSERDefault: noneA list of schemas containing objects to import.The default for users withoutthe IMP_FULL_DATABASE role is a user mode import.That is, all objects forthe current user are imported.(If the TABLES parameter is also specified, atable mode import is performed.)When importing in user mode, all other objects in the export file are ignored.The effect is the same as if the export file had been created in user mode (ortable mode).See Table 1-1 on page 1-5 for the list of objects that are importedin user mode and table mode.For example, the following command treats the export file as though it weresimply a user mode export of SCOTT s objects:imp system/manager FROMUSER=scottIf user SCOTT does not exist in the current database, his objects are importedinto the importer s schema in this case, the system s.Otherwise, the objectsImport 2-19are imported in SCOTT s schema.If a list of schemas is given, each schemacan be specified only once.Duplicate schema names are ignored.Thefollowing example shows an import from two schemas:imp system/manager FROMUSER=scott,blakeNote: Specifying FROMUSER=SYSTEM does not import system objects.It imports only those objects that belong to user SYSTEM.When FROMUSER is specified and TOUSER is missing, the objects ofFROMUSER are imported back to FROMUSER.However, if the schemaspecified in FROMUSER does not exist in the current database, the objects areimported into the importer s schema.To import system objects (for example, user definitions and tablespaces), youmust import from a full export file specifying FULL=Y.FULLDefault: NSpecifies whether or not to import the entire export file.GRANTSDefault: YSpecifies whether or not to import grants.By default, the Import utility imports any grants that were exported.If theexport was a user-mode Export, the export file contains only first-level grants(those granted by the owner).If the export was a full database mode Export,the export file contains all grants, including lower-level grants (those grantedby users given a privilege with the WITH GRANT OPTION).If you specifyGRANTS=N, the Import utility does not import grants.HELPDefault: NDisplays a description of the Import parameters.2-20 Oracle8 Server UtilitiesIGNOREDefault: NSpecifies how object creation errors should be handled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]