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.Introduction:I have seen many beginners' tutorials in the latest few months.Since I learnedcracking from one such tutorial, this is the payback :)All tutorials I have read until now get a program from the Internet.and by showingyou the exact location of where to crack that program, they finish the tutorial.I will use a different approach in my tutorials series.This approach will be a result of mylook on cracking, or if you wish as some call it: reverse engineering.I see cracking as: Letting a program, which is on *your* computer behave as you want itto behave and not behave as someone else (the programmer) wants.Hey, it is your stuff right ? your numbers, your bits, you should be able to do anythingyou wish to do with it :)To learn cracking, you should know how programs work.If you know how to code a fewlines, it will be alot more easier to learn cracking.So if you really want to becomea cracker, go learn how to code first.You can also learn to code from cracking :)My tutorials are currently ordered in grades of difficulty.They build up on eachother.Each tutorial will teach you something new.Almost all basics of cracking can be found here.Read good, just the basics :)I have also put up a few appendices.These consist of questions I am asked frequently,several routine handlings you have to perform frequently and some other usefull piecesof text.The programs I used to crack in this tutorials series are mostly small.If they are, you canrun them from within my tutorial interface.If they aren't you can download it from the internet.If you really want to learn cracking, just follow the tutorials from beginning to the end.If you don't understand the things you read, just go on reading.You will understandlater.Some things will make only sense after having done it several times :)You need a few tools to follow these tutorials.The first one is w32dasm.A disassembler.You can find it all over the internet.The second one is Hiew.A freeware editor.You candownload it from public ftp's.To find these, find a crackers tools site and get all the tools you can get.Someday youwill need them, even though you don't know yet :)Get win32Dasm from the following url: http://www.wco.com/~micuan/Zips/wdasm893.zipFor the other tools you can go to the following site : http://smartysoft.fsn.net/temporary/Or try TEX member Kaparo’s Programmers Tools site at: http://protools.cjb.netTo crack a program ( = to become a cracker ), you have to be patient, and wanting to do it.If you want.really want something, you can always get it :) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]