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.Enter Abhorson.Abh.Sirrah, bring Barnardine hetherClo.Mr Barnardine, you must rise and be hang'd,Mr BarnardineAbh.What hoa Barnardine.Barnardine within.Bar.A pox o'your throats: who makes that noysethere? What are you?Clo.Your friends Sir, the Hangman:You must be so good Sir to rise, and be put to deathBar.Away you Rogue, away, I am sleepieAbh.Tell him he must awake,And that quickly tooClo.Pray Master Barnardine, awake till you are executed,and sleepe afterwardsAb.Go in to him, and fetch him outClo.He is comming Sir, he is comming: I heare hisStraw russle.Enter Barnardine.Abh.Is the Axe vpon the blocke, sirrah?Clo.Verie readie SirBar.How now Abhorson?What's the newes with you?Abh.Truly Sir, I would desire you to clap into yourprayers: for looke you, the Warrants comeBar.You Rogue, I haue bin drinking all night,I am not fitted for'tClo.Oh, the better Sir: for he that drinkes all night,and is hanged betimes in the morning, may sleepe thesounder all the next day.Enter Duke.Abh.Looke you Sir, heere comes your ghostly Father:do we iest now thinke you?Duke.Sir, induced by my charitie, and hearing howhastily you are to depart, I am come to aduise you,Comfort you, and pray with youBar.Friar, not I: I haue bin drinking hard all night,and I will haue more time to prepare mee, or they shallbeat out my braines with billets: I will not consent todie this day, that's certaineDuke.Oh sir, you must: and therefore I beseech youLooke forward on the iournie you shall goBar.I sweare I will not die to day for anie mans perswasionDuke.But heare you:Bar.Not a word: if you haue anie thing to say to me,come to my Ward: for thence will not I to day.ExitEnter Prouost.Duke.Vnfit to liue, or die: oh grauell heart.After him (Fellowes) bring him to the blockePro.Now Sir, how do you finde the prisoner?Duke.A creature vnprepar'd, vnmeet for death,And to transport him in the minde he is,Were damnablePro.Heere in the prison, Father,There died this morning of a cruell Feauor,One Ragozine, a most notorious Pirate,A man of Claudio's yeares: his beard, and headIust of his colour.What if we do omitThis Reprobate, til he were wel enclin'd,And satisfie the Deputie with the visageOf Ragozine, more like to Claudio?Duke.Oh, 'tis an accident that heauen prouides:Dispatch it presently, the houre drawes onPrefixt by Angelo: See this be done,And sent according to command, whiles IPerswade this rude wretch willingly to diePro.This shall be done (good Father) presently:But Barnardine must die this afternoone,And how shall we continue Claudio,To saue me from the danger that might come,If he were knowne aliue?Duke.Let this be done,Put them in secret holds, both Barnardine and Claudio,Ere twice the Sun hath made his iournall greetingTo yond generation, you shal findeYour safetie manifestedPro.I am your free dependant.Enter.Duke.Quicke, dispatch, and send the head to AngeloNow wil I write Letters to Angelo,(The Prouost he shal beare them) whose contentsShal witnesse to him I am neere at home:And that by great Iniunctions I am boundTo enter publikely: him Ile desireTo meet me at the consecrated Fount,A League below the Citie: and from thence,By cold gradation, and weale-ballanc'd forme.We shal proceed with Angelo.Enter Prouost.Pro.Heere is the head, Ile carrie it my selfeDuke.Conuenient is it: Make a swift returne,For I would commune with you of such things,That want no eare but yoursPro.Ile make all speede.ExitIsabell within.Isa.Peace hoa, be heereDuke.The tongue of Isabell.She's come to know,If yet her brothers pardon be come hither:But I will keepe her ignorant of her good,To make her heauenly comforts of dispaire,When it is least expected.Enter Isabella.Isa.Hoa, by your leaueDuke.Good morning to you, faire, and graciousdaughterIsa.The better giuen me by so holy a man,Hath yet the Deputie sent my brothers pardon?Duke.He hath releasd him, Isabell, from the world,His head is off, and sent to AngeloIsa.Nay, but it is not soDuke.It is no other,Shew your wisedome daughter in your close patienceIsa.Oh, I wil to him, and plucke out his eiesDuk.You shal not be admitted to his sightIsa.Vnhappie Claudio, wretched Isabell,Iniurious world, most damned AngeloDuke.This nor hurts him, nor profits you a iot,Forbeare it therefore, giue your cause to heauen.Marke what I say, which you shal findeBy euery sillable a faithful veritie [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]