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.04 sugar.5 begin.04 count.5 end.04 from.to.& 5 last.05 possessive adjective.5 how long.05 possessive pronoun.5 cheap.06 mine.5 e pensive.06 ours.5 Rolls Ro ce.06 his.5 the fewest.few06 hers.6 building.06 ours.6 inside.&06 ours.6 outside.&06 theirs.6 stomach.0 infinitive.a.0 au iliar verb.some.a0 do.well.flower.LESSON 21plant.0 the most.&8 whose.0 beautiful.8 love.0 handsome.8 hate.0 ugl.LESSON 230 eat.0 drink.meal.0 water.breakfast.0 wine.lunch.0 milk.dinner.metal.a da.gold.morning.silver.evening.steel.plate.iron.bowl.made of.& knife.ke.fork.plastic.spoon.cost.chopsticks.like.0 e ception.Monda.0 quantit.uesda.0 singular.Wednesda.man. few.much.little.a lot of.salt.pepper.fewer.than.& &less.than.& &bank.LESSON 244 the fewest.few4 the least.less4 the one.5 opposite.&5 ne t to.&5 work.5 rest.5 most people.6 glass.6 wood.6 paper.6 stone.6 enough.that one.repeat.badl.8 telephone.8 mobile.8 phone.8 call.8 make a phone call.The Callan ® Method was first developed and publishedin 1960 by R.K.T.Callan.This edition was published for the international market in 2012.Copyright © R.K.T.Callan 2012English Czech Vocabulary BookStage 2ISBN 978-1-908954-73-2CALLAN and the CALLAN logo are registered trade marksof Callan Works Limited, used under licence by Callan Publishing LimitedPrinted in the EUConditions of saleAll rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise,without the prior permission of the publishers.This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way oftrade or otherwise be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated withoutthe publisher s prior consent in any form of binding or cover other thanthat in which it is published and without a similar condition includingthis condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.Published byCALLAN PUBLISHING LTD.Orchard House, 45-47 Mill Way, Grantchester, Cambridge CB3 9NDin association with CALLAN METHOD ORGANISATION LTD.www.callan.co.ukSTAGE 2Czech vocabulary68 European.evropskLESSON 1068 Asian.asijsk5 home.domov68 erman.N mecko5 speak.hovo it68 I have not I haven t.já nemám5 that.e68 ou have not ou haven t.t nemáa56 do.de pomocné sloveso které se nep ekládá68 he has not he hasn t.on nemá56 does.de pomocné sloveso ve.osob j.68 she has not she hasn t.ona nemá56 Japanese.japonatina japonsk68 it has not it hasn t.ono nemá56 Chinese.ínatina ínsk68 we have not we haven t.m nemáme58 do not.68 ou have not ou haven t.v nemáte58 don t.68 the have not the haven t.oni nemají58 does not.68 onl.pou e58 doesn t.6 the same.as.stejn.jako58 remain.stat6 different.from.jin.neLESSON 116 Japan.Japonsko6 about.asi p ibli nLESSON 136 page.stranaan bod.n kdo v tá ací v t6 can.um t mocisomebod.n kdo v o namovací v t6 like.mít rád líbit senot an bod.nikdo v áporné v t6 dislike.nemít rád nelíbit senobod.nikdo v kladné v t6 cinema.kinocorridor.chodba6 television.televi ewalk.chodit prochá et se6 right.pravMr.Brown s.od pana Browna6 left.lev4 stand up.vstát6 moving.poh bovat se pr b hov as4 sit down.sednout6 still.klidn neh bn4 up.nahoru6 completel.naprosto4 down.dol64 wearing.nosit pr b hov as4 cannot can t.neum t nemoci64 wear.nosit5 quarter.tvrtina64 glasses.br le5 teach.v u ovat64 with.s pomocí5 learn.u it se65 half.polovina5 panish.apan lsk65 tell.íciLESSON 14LESSON 126 eas.snadn66 Russian.Rus Ruska rusk6 difficult.t k obtí n66 reek.ek ek n eck6 grammar.gramatika66 prefer.up ednost ovat6 hang.viset66 tea.aj6 map.mapa66 coffee.kávab.ím nep ekládá se66 both.oba ob obojícar.automobil v6 mean.namenatbus.autobus6 hello.ahojtrain.vlak6 goodb e.nashledanouschool.akola6 thank ou.d kuji vámmarried.enat vdaná68 language.ja ksingle.svobodn á miss.sle na that.e kterhusband.man el another.jinwife.man elka see.vid t8 mother.matka such as.jako nap íklad8 father.otec wh.pro8 child.dít because.proto e8 children.d ti similar.podobn8 onl child.jediná ek too.p ília8 call.na vat reenwich.reenwich8 mum.máma second.vte ina8 dad.táta minute.minutaone.the other.jeden.ten druh hour.hodinakind.druh t p make.init hotovitadjective.p ídavné jménoLESSON 15LESSON 188 preposition.p edlo ka8 north.sever 4 food.potravin jídlo8 south.jih 4 son.s n8 east.v chod 4 daughter.dcera8 west.ápad 4 brother.bratr8 cardinal point.sv tová strana 4 sister.sestra8 Paris.Pa í 5 parents.rodi e8 place.místo 5 relations.p íbu ní8 some of.n kter á é 5 relatives.p íbu ní8 opposite.opak anton mum 5 famil.rodina8 without.be 5 uncle.str c84 verb.sloveso 5 aunt.teta84 noun.podstatné jméno 5 cousin.bratranec sest enice84 translation.p eklad 5 more.than.více.ne84 during.b hem v pr b hu 6 break.ro bít lomit84 about.po dokola o 6 out of.ethink.m sletLESSON 16good.dobr85 some.some.n kter.n kter jinbad.apatn85 an thing.n co v tá ací v tgood at.dobr v85 something.n co v kladné v tbad at.apatn v85 not an thing.nic v áporné v t8 instead of.namísto85 nothing.nic v kladné v tLESSON 1988 front.p ední elní strana88 back.adní adní strana bread.chléb88 top.naho e horní strana butter.máslo88 bottom.dole dolní strana rice.r e88 side.strana bo ní ást carr.nést nosit88 smell.ichat pach 00 no not an.ádn8 address.adresa 00 hear.sl aet8 street.ulice 00 drive.ídit0 mone.pení eLESSON 170 pence.pence0 man.mnoho0 pound.libra0 few.málo0 fewer.than.mén.ne0 match.ápalka0 watch.hodink0 matchbo.krabi ka ápalekLESSON 200 friend.p ítel0 friendl.p átelsk 0 time.asinto.do 0 past.po u hodinin.v 0 to.k p ed 0 b.podleLESSON 220 o clock.hodina4 want.chtít0 da.den4 at the moment.v tomto okam iku0 week.t den4 do ou have &.máa máte.0 month.m síc4 ou don t have.nemáa nemáte0 ear.rok5 begin.a ít04 also.také5 end.kon it04 meat.maso5 last.trvat04 sugar.cukr5 how long.jak dlouho04 count.po ítat5 cheap.levn04 from.to.od.do5 e pensive.drah06 mine.m j5 Rolls Ro ce.Rolls Ro ce06 ours.tv j5 the fewest.nejmén06 his.jeho6 building.budova06 hers.její6 inside.uvnit06 ours.náa6 outside.vn venku06 ours.váa6 stomach.aludek06 theirs.jejicha.len neur it0 infinitive [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]