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.99Dwellings of 4 rooms.$17.61 Dwellings of 9 rooms.$43.00Dwellings of 5 rooms.$22.14 Dwellings of 10 rooms.$50.00Compared with rents per room per month for a group of citiesthe Albany Negro pays a somewhat smaller rental than larger andmore congested cities of the North.Source: National Urban League, Department of Research and Investigation, TheNegro Population Albany, New York (New York: National Urban League, 1928),13 14.142 APPENDIXESAPPENDIX 7Photographs of Albany sSouth End, circa 1940 Dongan Avenue [At Bleecker Street], courtesy of the Morris Gerber Pho-tograph Collection, Albany Institute of History and Art, 1993.010.694.1PAPPENDIXES 143 Franklin and Herkimer, courtesy of the Morris Gerber Photograph Col-lection, Albany Institute of History and Art, 1993.010.858.1P144 APPENDIXESAPPENDIX 8Photographs of Rapp RoadCommunity MembersLouis W.Parson, photograph courtesy of Emma DicksonAPPENDIXES 145Alfred and Leola Woodard,Hattiesburg, Mississippi, circa1933, photograph courtesy ofEmma DicksonThe Franklin family, circa 1955.The Franklins moved to Albany in 1936from Chicora, Mississippi.(Top row L-R) Louise, Louis, Robert, Doll, Clarence, Elsie(Bottom row L-R) Alma, Luella, Sam, SarahPhotograph courtesy of Rhonda Norman146 APPENDIXESNora Lee McCann on Rapp Road, August 1955, photograph courtesy ofAnn Stanfield(L-R) Oseana Woodard, Bertha McCann (baby), and Naomi McCann onRapp Road, August 1955, photograph courtesy of Ann StanfieldAPPENDIXES 147(L-R) Girlie Ferguson, Emma Dickson, Lucy Johnson Oakley in Mobile,Alabama, November 2002, photograph by author148 APPENDIXESAPPENDIX 9List of Original Landownersand Purchase Datesof Land on Rapp Road,Albany, New YorkSamuel Coleman January 27, 1942Esco Nelson November 9, 1942Joshua Burney August 24, 1943; October 15, 1945Butler Corley August 25, 1943; January 4, 1956Sam Franklin September 29, 1943Daniel McCann March 10, 1944Clarence Jackson March 19, 1945Javan Owens March 28, 1945Abbie Johnson May 11, 1945Walter H.Woods June 20, 1945Daisy Kimball August 11, 1943Jesse C.Harmon February 24, 1944William McCann and Wife [Tempie] July 17, 1944; May 25, 1950;July 17, 1950Labor Johnson August 31, 1944; October 15, 1962Theodore Woodard August 31, 1944Benjamin Nixon August 31, 1944Caesar Moore August 31, 1944APPENDIXES 149Alfred Woodard July 8, 1946Luella Franklin January 24, 1953Jessie Garrett and Wife [Melinda] January 4, 1956Libbie Toliver April 3, 1958William Wilborn October 17, 1958Sammie Fantroy and Wife [Henrietta] October 3, 1962;September 5, 1963Source: Accession Land Deeds located at the Albany County Clerk Office, Albany,New York150 APPENDIXESAPPENDIX 10Photographs of Rapp RoadHouses, circa 19905 Rapp Road, originally owned by Javan Owens, Sr., photograph courtesyof the City Neighbors Collection, Albany Institute of History & Art8 Rapp Road, originally owned by William and Libbie Toliver, photographcourtesy of the Albany Institute of History & ArtAPPENDIXES 15114 Rapp Road, originallyowned by Samueland Isabel Coleman,photograph courtesy ofthe Albany Instituteof History & Art22 Rapp Road,originally owned byAlfred and LeolaWoodard, photographcourtesy of the AlbanyInstitute of History& Art23 Rapp Road,originally owned byWillie and TempieMcCann, photographcourtesy of the AlbanyInstitute of History& Art152 APPENDIXES29 Rapp Road,originally owned byWillie McCann,photograph courtesyof the Albany Instituteof History & Art31 Rapp Road,originally ownedby Albert and SusieFarley, photographcourtesy of the AlbanyInstitute ofHistory & Art39 Rapp Road,originally ownedby Labor and ClaraJohnson, photographcourtesy of theAlbany Instituteof History & ArtAPPENDIXES 15350 Rapp Road,originally owned byJessie andMelinda Garrett,photograph courtesyof the AlbanyInstitute ofHistory & Art54 Rapp Road,originally ownedby Butler and EffieCorley, photographcourtesy of theAlbany Institute ofHistory & Art59 Rapp Road,originally owned byCharles Smith, thenLouis and FrancesParson, photographcourtesy of theAlbany Institute ofHistory & Art154 APPENDIXES67 Rapp Road,originally owned bySammie andHenrietta Fantroy,photograph courtesyof the AlbanyInstitute ofHistory & Art69 Rapp Road,originally ownedby James Hunt,photograph courtesyof the AlbanyInstitute of History& ArtSmokehouse usedfor annual reunion,located at 38 RappRoad, built byDaniel McCann,photographcourtesy of theAlbany Instituteof History & ArtAPPENDIXES 155APPENDIX 11Photographs of Fieldson Rapp RoadMcCann Field, circa 1990, photograph courtesy of the Albany Instituteof History & ArtFields on Rapp Road, circa 1990, photograph courtesy of Albany Instituteof History & Art156 APPENDIXESAPPENDIX 12Comparison Photographs ofShubuta and Rapp RoadBaptism in river, Mississippi, circa 1935, photograph courtesy of MississippiDepartment of Archives and History, PI/WPA/NegroesAPPENDIXES 157Dr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]