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.There are records in the files of p.106).But there are also some surprising gemsthe Fitzgeralds literary agent, HAROLD OBER, of embedded in her prose.For example, one character-eight additional Zelda Fitzgerald stories that were istic of her description is synesthesia, a blending ofrejected by magazines such as Delineator, Harper s the senses, as in her recital of flowers which heroineBazaar, the Post, and SCRIBNER S MAGAZINE (see Alabama Beggs buys, including  cold blue hydran-Bruccoli,  Zelda Fitzgerald s Lost Stories, Fitzger- geas clean as a newly calcimined wall, the crystallineald/Hemingway Annual (1979), pp.123 126).drops of lily of the valley, a bowl of nasturtiums likeIn  Rivalry and Partnership: The Short Fiction beaten brass.lemon-yellow carnations perfumedof Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald (FITZGERALD/HEMING- with the taste of hard candy.the soft, even purrWAY ANNUAL (1977), pp.19 42), W.R.Anderson of black tulips (Collected Writings, p.130).traces the development of Zelda s literary tech- Fitzgerald had been furious about the first draftnique in her stories, suggesting that she was gain- of Save Me the Waltz, which he felt was too openlying increasing control of aspects such as narrativeautobiographical and too close to the materialperspective, description, and irony. Miss Ella,he wanted to use in Tender Is the Night.He waspublished in Scribner s in 1931 and admired bysatisfied with Zelda s subsequent revisions, buteditor MAXWELL PERKINS, is the highly descriptivehe put limitations on what she could write next.story of the tragedy behind a Southern woman sThe result was a play, Scandalabra, written in 1932spinsterhood.The story is full of sensory details:and performed for six nights by the VAGABOND Upstairs, Miss Ella was deep in the cedar and lav-JUNIOR PLAYERS in BALTIMORE in 1933.Billed asender of a new trunk; fine linen nightgowns and A Farce Fantasy in a Prologue and Three Acts,drawnwork chemises were lifted preciously into theit is uneven.corners and little silk puffs of sachet perched ten-Zelda eventually began a second novel,  Caesar statively over the newness (Collected Writings, p.Things, which occupied the last few years of her life.348). A Couple of Nuts was her last publishedNancy Milford describes this unfinished, fragmentarystory, appearing in Scribner s in 1932 and depictingwork in her biography, Zelda, adding that it can bethe dissipation of a married pair of entertainers inread as  a fantasized memoir, a sort of parable aboutEUROPE.Thematically, this story is similar to somemadness itself (p.409).The work also reflects Zel-of F.Scott Fitzgerald s concerns a marriage thatda s religiosity she wrote to a friend about her  the-self-destructs, and corruption under the glamor ofmatic intent of inducting the Biblical pattern of life high society.into its everyday manifestations (Milford, p.354).Zelda s continuing need to be a writer in herThe existing 135 pages of chapters and fragmentsown right also produced her novel, Save Me thedepict the childhood and marriage of the heroine,Waltz, written mainly in PHIPPS CLINIC in 1932.TheJanno, including her strange visions, which make thebook was not well received by readers or critics, whonovel  wildly incoherent (Milford, p.355).had difficulty with her unusual style.Maxwell Per-by Tracy Simmons Bitontikins had warned her (in an unpublished letter nowin the Scribners Archives, PRINCETON UNIVERSITYLIBRARY) about her tendency to use too many meta- Fitzgerald/Hemingway Annual Edited by Mat-phors that call attention to themselves rather than thew J.BRUCCOLI, 1969; Bruccoli and C.E.Frazermake an effective comparison.She also used words Clark, 1970 75; Bruccoli, 1976; Margaret M.Dug-because she liked their sound.Many sentences gan and Richard Layman, 1977; Bruccoli and Lay-require close attention; for example, her depiction man, 1978 79.Washington: NCR Microcard Books,of dancing at a party:  Spare, immaculate legs and a 1969 73; Englewood, Colo.: Information Handling 306 Fitzgerald NewsletterServices, 1974 1976; Detroit: Gale Research, 1977 story  The Intimate Strangers is based on the Fly-79.This bound volume published full-length articles, nns (see Notebooks #928).On October 28, 1936,notes, and bibliographical information about Fitzger- Fitzgerald wrote to his childhood friend, MARIEald and ERNEST HEMINGWAY.HERSEY Hamm, about Nora:  During the mood ofdepression that I seem to have fallen into about aFitzgerald Newsletter Edited by Matthew J.year ago she was a saint to me; took care of Scot-BRUCCOLI and published quarterly (1958 68) to tie for a month one time under the most peculiarprovide  a journal that would be open to both ama- circumstances, and is altogether, in my opinion,teur and professional readers of Fitzgerald and that one of the world s most delightful women (Let-would attempt to record all references to Fitzger- ters, p.546).ald in the media of communication, with specialattention to  Fitzgerald activity in the rare-book Forel, Dr.Oscar (b.1891) Psychiatrist whomarket [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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