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. Yes, I was, but a whole second plate may be too much for me allthe same.Why don t you sit down and help me clean it off? The girlscan manage well enough on their own.He didn t have to ask twice and while they finished the secondplate together, Rullio asked him where he would be likely to get moreinformation about the return of the lord-governor. That s anybody s guess really, my lord, but this is one of the firstplaces where you ll hear about it.Those traveling merchants getlonely on the road and when they get the chance to talk there s nostopping them.And they know things from all their traveling.Maybeyou should join them at the big table.One of them might know whenthe governor is expected to return. Good idea.It ll have to wait though.I still have to find lodgingsfor the night.Lambert looked up shyly. We have a few rooms up for hire.They re all occupied, but myroom is rather big.if your lordship wouldn t mind that I slept thereas well.On the floor, of course.You can have the bed. That s very kind of you, Lambert. Rullio grinned. Just how bigis your bed? I doubt it will be necessary for you to sleep on the cold,Bonds of Fear 355hard floor.Lambert blushed.That was precisely the reaction he had hopedfor.Lambert s mother had made no objections to Lambert givingthe nice, young nobleman hospitality.She hoped some of his finemanners would rub off on him.Once in Lambert s surprisingly big and comfortable room, thingsdidn t go as fluently as Rullio had hoped.His host had suddenlyturned to wood except in the one crucial place where it mattered. Lambert, Rullio smiled charmingly, I would like to wash up alittle.Do you think you could fetch a basin with nice, warm water? Oh yes, certainly, my lord, Lambert awoke out of his paralyzedstate, relieved that was all that was asked of him.Since the kitchen always had a kettle near the boil, Lambertreturned in a few minutes, a basin in his hands and two towels overhis arm.Rullio lay on the bed.The boy looked coyly from under hislong brown hair.Not exactly a classical beauty, Rullio observed.Infact his legs were just a bit too short for his body and his nose wasslightly curbed.It didn t matter, because those little defects, if suchthey were, just accentuated his natural beauty, and moreover, he wastotally charming in a lost puppy sort of way. I m afraid I m much too tired to wash myself, Rullio said. Couldyou help me out, perhaps. I think so, my lord, Lambert said, his voice hoarse and slightlymoist sounding. Well then, help me out of this shirt, will you?With trembling fingers Lambert undid the knot in the lace and356 Andrew Ashlingpulled the garment over Rullio s head. If you re going to wash me, your clothes might get wet.Maybeyou should remove them as well, he said.Lambert hesitated, blushing. It s.it s.I m shy, my lord.Very shy.Rullio knew that this was going to take forever, unless he tooksome drastic measures. Undress, Lambert.Now, he ordered. But my lord Now, Lambert, or I am going to be very upset with you.Fiery red in the face, Lambert obeyed and slowly removed hisclothes.When finally he was naked, Rullio saw the cause of hisshyness.That is, when he looked carefully.Lambert s member barelyshowed trough his pubic hair.Of course it didn t show at all from themoment Lambert covered it with his hands.Rullio neither smiled nor let surprise show on his face. Finish your job, Lambert. My lord? In the name of all the Gods.Undress me.Wash me.Kiss me.Make love to me.Do something.Anything.Now. Yes, my lord, Lambert croaked and began loosening Rullio belt.When he had removed the last stitch of clothing, Lambert tooka long and hard look at Rullio and his member rose.Even in fullerection it would disappear in his hands, Rullio noticed.Not that hecared.The boy was beautiful and looked all cuddly.There were manyways to make love, he mused.Having a soft, tender partner in yourarms to caress and fondle could easily compensate for more heatedBonds of Fear 357action. Why don t you take a towel, dip it in the water and start washingme? he said as seductively as he could. Wash you? Wash you? Lambert suddenly exclaimed, jumpingupon the unsuspecting young noble, I ll lick you clean.Pinning Rullio s arm down he set to work. You re so dirty, here and here and here, Lambert mumbled oncein a while, then taking a breath and diving in again.Completely taken aback Rullio let himself be licked by this furythat pressed him down in the mattress. Dirty, dirty nipples, said a strangely satisfied sounding, pantingvoice.The rasping movements of Lambert s tongue over these sensitiveareas made Rullio squirm in helpless abandon. Turn around, Lambert commanded in a hoarse voice. Huh? I said: on your belly, you dirty, dirty boy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]