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.The version of February 11, which is Lessing exhibit 29, NLRB/Bab-bitt, was delivered to lower-ranking employees at the studio, particularly the womenwho inked and painted the cels.An abbreviated version of the February 10 speech,with Disney s profanity removed, is part of CSUN/SCG.Memos listing the depart-ments summoned to each of the two speeches are also part of that collection.8. Labor Fantasia, Business Week, May 17, 1941, 50.chapter 1 The Pet in the Family1.A History of Marceline, first published in the 1938 Golden Jubilee editionof the Marceline News, was reprinted in The Magic City, Marceline, Missouri,Diamond Jubilee Celebration, a program book published by the Marceline-basedWalsworth Publishing Company for the celebration of Marceline s seventy-fifth an-niversary, June 29 July 4, 1963.2.Census records show only eight siblings, but all ten are listed in the most thor-oughly researched genealogical examination of the Disney family, Edward Disney,A Story of Disneys: Some Myths Exploded (Bristol, England, 1997), 166.3.Elias Disney s visit was reported in the Marceline Mirror, February 9, 1906 (thiscitation and other Marceline newspaper citations are from clippings compiled byMay Bartee Couch).His sale of his Chicago house to Walter Chamberlain on Feb-ruary 10, 1906, is recorded in Torrens Book 221-A, p.302, Cook County Recorderof Deeds.4.Marceline Mirror, December 1, 1905.5.From records of those transactions at the Linn County Abstract Company,Brookfield, Missouri.6.The house number was changed to 2156 in 1909 as part of a citywide ration-alization of Chicago house numbers.7.3515 Vernon Avenue is the address on the Return of a Birth, or birth cer-tificate, for Raymond Arnold Disney (misidentified on the certificate as Walter )and in Elias Disney s city directory listing.8.Elias Disney s purchase of the lot from James E.McCabe is recorded in Tor-rens Book 221-A, p.302.The 1892 date was assigned to the house during a HistoricResources Survey by the Chicago Landmarks Commission in 1983 95.9.On Hermosa, see the Encyclopedia of Chicago, online edition, www.encyclopedia.chicagohistory.org/pages/578/html.10.Roy Disney, interview with Richard Hubler, November 17, 1967, BU/RH.3 3 0 notes to pages 3 1 0The incomplete transcript at Boston is a preliminary version of a complete transcriptbearing that date at the Walt Disney Archives.11.Roy Disney, 1967 interview.Roy seems to say that Elias and the older boysleft first, but Bob Thomas, Building a Company: Roy O.Disney and the Creation ofan Entertainment Empire (New York, 1998), 18, says that Flora and the youngerchildren moved to Marceline ahead of Elias and the two older boys, as Walt Dis-ney s memory of the event suggests.12. Walt Disney Recalls Some Pleasant Childhood Memories, Marceline News,October 13, 1960.The newspaper marked a Disney visit (to dedicate an elementaryschool named for him) by reprinting a letter he wrote more than twenty years ear-lier on the occasion of Marceline s fiftieth anniversary.13.Roy Disney, 1967 interview.14.Walt Disney, interview with Pete Martin, May or June 1956.Except as notedotherwise, all quotations from Walt Disney throughout the book are from the Mar-tin transcripts, copies of which are housed at both WDA and BU/RH.Lillian Dis-ney and her two daughters, Diane and Sharon, were interviewed by Martin at intervalsduring the marathon taping sessions with Walt Disney when he was unavailable, andtheir comments are part of the Martin transcripts.15.A recording of Disney s brief speech at Marceline is included on a compactdisc accompanying Robert Tieman, Walt Disney Treasures (New York, 2003).He alsospoke of being a champion hog rider in the 1956 Martin interview.16.Roy Disney, interview with Hubler, June 18, 1968, BU/RH.17.In the 1900 census, almost 46 million Americans lived in rural places witha population of fewer than 2,500; about 30 million lived in larger towns.18.The telephone directory was published in a newspaper, the Marceline Mirrorfor February 22, 1907.19.Lady and the Tramp meeting notes, May 15, 1952, WDA.20.Roy Disney, 1967 interview.21.Disney, Some Myths Exploded, 154.22.Disney, Some Myths Exploded, 169.23.The Chicago Historical Society maintains a database with information frombuilding permits cited in American Contractor from 1898 to 1912.Elias is listed as theowner of four properties for which permits were issued between 1898 and 1901.Con-tractors were not listed on building permits at the time, so Elias could have been,and probably was, the contractor for many other properties he did not own.24.Roy Disney, June 1968 interview.25.Saint Paul Congregational Church (Chicago) record books, now housed atChicago Theological Seminary.26.Roy Disney, 1967 interview.27.Saint Paul record books.The name Walter was one that Elias and Florahad in mind for some time.When their second son, Raymond, was born in 1890,his birth certificate (filled out on January 8, 1891) showed his name as Walter Dis-notes to pages 1 1 1 3 3 3 1ney [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]