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. See Bustamante242, 244t, 253 54, 256 57, 269, labor militancy, 16, 17, 173, 175 76,328n199, 360n94; research 181, 326n146, 341n230; andorientation, 128 29; and social Communist Party, 69, 97 98; andmedicine efforts in Mexico, 219 21; DSP, 227 29; unions, 189, 223; inand transnational Veracruz, 52 53, 58, 68 69, 81,officers/fellows/scientists, 11, 16, 31, 94 95; worker confederations,98, 197, 200, 233, 250, 272, 68 69, 176, 181.See also355n287.See also Carr; Bailey, communism; CROM; peasantsDowns; DSP; Ferrel, health units; laborers.See Cárdenas; labor militancy;IHB; IIAA; malaria; PASB; Payne; Mexicopublic health education; RF; RF Lambert, Robert, 30 31, 78, 214,Division of Medicine and Public 306n60Health; Russel, Frederick; Sawyer land reform.See Cárdenas; MexicoInternational Monetary Fund, 279 larvicides.See malaria; yellow feverinternational sanitary agreements/ Lathrop, Julia, 152conventions, 7 8, 31, 32, 45 latrines.See hookwormInternational Sanitary Bureau.Laura Spelman Rockefeller MemorialSee PASB Fund, 21International Sanitary Conferences, 8, League of Nations Health Organization45, 119, 314n163 (LNHO), 8, 32, 34, 121, 136, 268,Investing in Health, 279.See also World 273, 274.See also RajchmanBank Lenin, Vladimir, 234, 235fisolation.See public health; quarantine León, Alberto, 201, 202, 230, 348n134Lewis, Oscar, 85, 324n93, 339n191Jalapa, Veracruz, 69 Liceaga, Eduardo, 4, 45, 53, 55, 314n163Jalisco (Guadalajara), 42, 43, 212t, 292t licensing.See midwives; nurses;Jamaica, 63, 73, 91, 258t physiciansJara, Heriberto, 94, 95 life expectancy, 38.See also mortality;Johns Hopkins University.See schools of vital statisticspublic health Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine,Juárez, Benito, 36 32, 307n67living conditions.See Mexico; publicKapelusz-Poppi, Ana Maria, 342n5 health in MexicoKarl, Barry, 23 local health units.See DSP; health units;Katz, Friedrich, 309n106 IHDKatz, Stanley, 23 London School of Hygiene andKellogg Foundation, 32 Tropical Medicine, 31, 307n67i ndex 423López, Juan, 74, 94, 112 Maximato.See CallesLudlow massacre, 22 23 Maximilian, Ferdinand, 36Lunacharskii, Anatolii, 352n219 Maya, 43, 153, 169.See also traditionalLyster, Theodore, 51 52, 53, 55 56, 59 healingMazatlán, Sinaloa, 45, 53, 139Madero, Francisco, 39 Mazzotti, Luis, 231, 292tmagnesium sulphate.See hookworm measles, 194, 280.See also respiratorymalaria, 27, 32, 46, 72, 109, 131, 133, diseases137, 190, 194, 276 77, 279; DDT, Medellín Ostos, Roberto, 10327, 171, 256 57, 273, 276, 360n94; medical education, 42 43, 349n162;health units, 145, 253; Flexnerian reforms, 29 30, 306n60,larvicides/Paris green, 27, 253; 306n63; French influence inMexican national campaign, 254, Mexico, 12, 30, 42 43, 201, 215,256, 360n92; in Morelos, 147, 312n137; German influence in255 57, 360n86; mosquito control Mexico, 12, 42; history, 42 43; inmeasures, 27, 254, 256; and oil Latin America, 30, 31, 42; RF andcompanies, 222; research and Mexican medical research, 214 15;experiments, 2, 27, 147t, 254, 255f, RF sponsorship in US, 29 30; São256 57; and RF in Mexico, 14, 147, Paulo faculty of medicine, 30.See201, 244 45t, 248, 249, 253 57, also DSP; National University of255f; and rice-growing, 254 55; Mexico; nicolaítas; physicians; publicsurvey, 359n72; treatment (quinine), health education27, 254.See also Brazil; hookworm; Melo, Gastón, 174IHB; Sardinia; WHO meningitis outbreak, 170, 353 54n249.Malaysia, 167 See also epidemics; respiratoryMalda, Gabriel, 49f, 51, 53, 55, 57, 62, diseases138f, 318n227 mestizos.See Mexicomalnutrition.See nutrition Mexican Academy of Medicine, 42,Malo Juvera, Felipe, 223, 291t, 101, 102, 144360n94 Mexican Agricultural Program (MAP),Man at the Crossroads, 234 35, 235f 34, 241 43, 356n21, 357n24Manderson, Lenore, 167 Mexican American War, 36Manuell, Ricardo, 101.See also Mexican Constitution of 1857, 36, 44hookworm Mexican Constitution of 1917, 40, 46,Martínez Báez, Manuel, 231 32, 47, 153, 175, 215, 247; Article 27,312n139 40 41; Article 73, 41Mason, Max, 180 Mexican Military Medical Corps, 51, 53,mass treatment.See hookworm 56master s of public health.See public Mexican Revolution, 3, 11, 34, 38 41,health education 45, 175, 300n27, 310n115; caudillos,maternal and child health, 12, 131, 39 40; foreign interference in,146, 147, 149, 150, 152 57, 190, 39 40, 316n198; origins, 38 39;200, 209f, 308n84, 336n149, population loss, 39, 46; public336n151 52, 339n189, 345n76, health, 40 41, 240; warfare,366n55.See also child health and 39 40, 52welfare; infant mortality; midwives; Mexican School of Public Health.Seenurses; obstetrics; women schools of public healthg'424 i ndexg'Mexico: anticlericalism, 126; Michoacán, 183, 216, 220budget/treasury, 108, 126 27, 139t, midwives, 42, 43, 324n93, 339n191,343n31; debt and finances, 36, 37, 339n198, 340n202; beliefs and126 28, 316n197; diplomatic/ practices, 163 65, 167; blamed andpolitical relations with US, 3, 36, 46, critiqued by health units, 162 63,117, 126, 128, 226, 262; elites, 16, 166 67; and health units, 150 51,34, 37, 39, 40, 52, 69, 92, 173; 162 67; licensing, 166, 264,foreign investment in/trade, 36, 39, 340n200; parteras, 42, 162; temazcalli40, 51, 52, 67 68, 309n101; French (steambaths), use of, 164, 339n192;occupation of, 36; history of, 34 41; training, 2, 150, 152, 162 66, 163f,industrial development, 16, 36, 128, 164f, 165f, 264177 78; intellectuals in, 16, 34, milk supply/milk hygiene, 44, 121, 133,36 37; land reform, 52, 81, 92, 93, 152, 190.See also public health173, 178, 181, 215, 218, 342n5; Minatitlán, Veracruz.See health unit inland seizures, 37, 39; local and state Minatitlán-Puerto México; healthhealth activities, 1, 11 12, 119 20, units125; map of, 35f; military, 36, 52, mines/mining, 126; gold, silver, 36, 7756, 126; modernization and state- Miranda, Francisco de P., 117 18, 138fbuilding, 4, 15, 36 37, 96, 102, 115, missionaries, 267.See also international155, 173, 175, 181, 196, 224, 237, health238, 240; perceptions of US, 4, 34, Mississippi, 27, 121, 185; health48, 50, 51, 59, 60, 74, 95, 105, 171, manuals, 165; training stations, 206179, 240, 258 59; scientific Monroe Doctrine, 48exchange to Japan, 312n138; social Morelos, 146, 170, 324n93, 355n277;conditions, 34 35, 37 38, 39, 40, and tourism, 256; unrest in, 183,92, 124, 178, 207, 209; social policy, 256, 341n230.See also health units;36, 37, 39, 40, 173; social health units in Morelos; laborstructure/social class, 34, 36, 37, 38, militancy; malaria; peasants; Zapata39 40, 42, 43, 45, 72, 99, 113, 150, Morones, Luis, 81, 127151, 154, 161 62, 167, 171, 173, Morrow, Dwight, 126, 128224, 237 38; importance of mortality rates, 37 38, 38t, 41, 109,sovereignty to, 36, 39, 40, 48, 137, 251 52, 254, 255, 256, 323n72,142, 143, 145, 262; and USSR, 360n86.See also epidemics; infant179; and views of RF, 2 3, mortality; malaria; vital statistics;239 41, 263 64.See also Bucareli yellow feverStreet agreements; científicos; mosquitoes.See Aedes aegypti; Anopheles;Cristero rebellion; DSP; ejidos; malaria; yellow feverlabor militancy; Mexican Mozambique, 279Revolution; peasants; PNR;Porfiriato; public health in Mexico; National Baptist Education Society, 17RF; Spain; US; and names of National (Autonomous) University ofindividual presidents; and names of Mexico, Faculty of Medicine, 42,individual states 220 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]