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.And because hehad to eat and drink, his body would have functioned in the same way asthat of all humans. Abulafia, Bodies in the Jewish-Christian Debate,p.124 [123 137].She paraphrases Guibert of Nogent, De Incarnationecontra Iudeos, PL CLVI, cols 489 528.Juan Goytisolo writes that Neitherthe Redeemer nor the Virgin expelled fecal matter.[Should there havebeen] visceral eliminations.they would have been lovingly preservedby pious souls as precious sacred relics. Juan Goytisolo, Juan the Landless,trans.Helen R.Lane (New York: Serpent s Tale, 1977), pp.11 12; quotedin Pops, The Metamorphosis of Shit, 44 [26 61].16.Lampert, Gender and Jewish Difference, pp.52 53.17.Kruger, Medieval Christian (Dis)identifications, 200.See thefascinating discussion of Christ s foreskin in Lützelschwab, ZwischenHeilsvermittlung und Ärgernis das preputium Domini im Mittelalter,pp.601 628.18.Harpet, Du Déchet, p.203.His waste becomes disturbing to oth-ers.Freud s Wolf Man is obsessed with the thought that Christ had abottom and might have defecated.Stallybrass and White, The Politics andPoetics, pp.165 166, citing Sigmund Freud (1918), From the History ofan Infantile Neurosis (the Wolf Man ), in Pelican Freud Library 9, ed.A.Richards, trans.J.Strachey (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1979), p.299.19.John G.Bourke, Scatalogic Rites of All Nations (Washington, DC: W.H.Lowdermilk & Col, 1891), p.56.20.See (I Inf.iii.6,7) in Bourke, Scatalogic Rites, p.56.Also see http://wesley.nnu.edu/biblical_studies/noncanon/gospels/infarab.htm accessedApril 22, 2008.21.See (I Inf.iv.15, 16, 17) in Bourke, Scatalogic Rites, p.57.In a humorousparody, Ion Zwitter concocts the discovery of Jesus s feces as a healingrelic.Ion Zwitter, Fossilized Feces of Jesus Wreaks Havoc, Avant Newsat http://www.avantnews.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=290(accessed March 19, 2007).198 NOTES22.J.A.S.Collin de Plancy, Dictionnaire Critique des Reliques et des ImagesMiraculeuses, 3 vols.(Paris: Guien et Companie, 1821), pp.45 46 forother swaddling clothes of Christ.23.Caroline Walker Bynum, The Body of Christ in the Later Middle Ages:A Reply to Leo Steinberg, in Fragmentation, p.84 [79 117].24.Leo Steinberg, The Sexuality of Christ in Renaissance Art and in ModernOblivion (New York: A Pantheon/October Book, 1983), pp.23, 27.25.Steinberg, The Sexuality of Christ, p.117.26.Bynum, The Body of Christ, p.116 [79 117].27.Cuffel, Gendering Disgust, p.63.28.Though see Theresa Coletti, Purity and Danger: The Paradox of Mary sBody and the En-gendering of the Infancy Narrative in the EnglishMystery Cycles, in Feminist Approaches to the Body in Medieval Literature,ed.Linda Lomperis and Sarah Stanbury (Philadelphia: University ofPennsylvania Press, 1993), pp.65 95, on Mary s anomalous body.29.Bynum, Fragmentation, p.151.30.Bynum, Fragmentation, p.108.31.Bynum, Fragmentation, p.152.32.Bynum, Fragmentation, pp.82, 204. Rather than viewing the processas one of feminization, I prefer to think of it as eliminating sexualdifference. Caviness, Visualizing Women in the Middle Ages, p.158.33.Colledge and Walsh, A Book of Showings, pp.595 598, 605 606, 608,Chapters Sixty and Sixty-One. [O]ur great God, the most sovereignwisdom of all, was raised in a humble place and dressed himself in ourpoor flesh to do the service and duties of motherhood in every way.The mother can give her child her milk to suck, but our dear motherJesus can feed us with himself.The mother can lay the child tenderly toher breast, but our tender mother Jesus, he can familiarly lead us into hisblessed breast through his sweet open side.[A]nd he wants us to do thesame, like a humble child, saying, My kind mother, my gracious Mother,take pity on me.I have made myself dirty and unlike you and I neithermay nor can remedy this without your special help and grace..[F]orthere is plenty of the food [sic] of mercy which is his dearest blood andprecious water to make us clean and pure. Julian of Norwich, Revelationsof Divine Love (Short Text and Long Text), trans.Elizabeth Spearing(London: Penguin Books, 1998), pp.141, 144, Chapter 61 (Long Text).34.Bynum, Fragmentation, p.147.35 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]