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.STEP XII Ask your spectator if she sees anything wrong with her characterportrait.Before she can answer say "I know" then turn the face-up six around endfor end."Her belly button was upside down.There's also something else thatdoesn't quite fit this model of cardboard femininity.the out-of-kilter Kilt.Gingerly pick up the two face-down Kilt cards, ask a spectator to blow on them(any ad-libs here will be at your own risk), then display their transformation intotwo aces.Here's your big finish, "and you can't ask for a nicer pair than that." Onthe word "that," drop the two aces face down onto both sides of the six to properlydisplay the nice pair.Fig.4.Take apart the Wonder Woman and re-assemble the deck.It's okay to shufflethe cards.but don't get fresh.Presentation:The action and the presentation of Wonder Woman are a direct function ofeach other.so you'll already know the basic presentation from having learnedthe routine.To get into "Wonder Woman," I wait for someone to ask if I can tell fortunes.If I'm in hurry I'll bring up the subject myself.The opening remarks go somethinglike this:"No, I don't tell fortunes, but there is a way of using the cards to accuratelyreveal a person's character.I'll shuffle the cards so that they can do a personalityprofile on me first just so you know it's not dangerous, then I'll let you shufflethe deck so that I can learn all about you."And so begins the final Close-up Seduction.I can't think of a better use of cards than to let someone know that you thinkthey're nice.for me, that's what close-up is all about.Official Notice Of Appreciation ForClose-Uppers Everywhere!For stretching your imaginations and opening your minds to explore the innerand outer limits of Close-up.remember to be realP.H.152 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]